Episode 06: Bi Bi Bi


This week I am joined by Teckla Persons. Teckla (She/Her) currently lives in New York City where she works for the Peace Corps as a recruiter.  She served in the Peace Corps as a Rural Education Development Volunteer in Zambia from 2015-2017. She graduated from Eckerd College with a double major in Anthropology and Ancient Studies. In her free time she enjoys reading fantasy, embroidering, sewing, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and hanging with friends (when we aren’t in a global pandemic).

In this episode we talk about the church as a safe space for sex ed, bi-visibilty and bi-erasure, feeling queer enough, the cultural focus on male pleasure, masturbation with a vulva, and more.


Episode 07: Behind the Masc.


Episode 05: Bidets in Tokyo